
Investments in Safer Handling at SEQENS Custom Specialties Billingham


SEQENS Custom Specialties offer quaternisation capabilities in our glass-lined and chloride-resistant steel reactors at the Billingham site in the U.K.

We have the capability and expertise to also make products using difficult-to-handle raw materials such as methyl chloride and epichlorohydrin.

New methyl chloride discharge pipework

As a part of our continuous drive to improve safety and reduce risk SEQENS Custom Specialties site at Billingham has modified the methyl chloride discharge pipework to only side off-loading of trucks via a solid pipeline route. Prior to the modification side discharge trucks had to be offloaded using a flexible hose resulting on occasion material being left on the truck due to a loss of pump suction and a pressure drop between the liquid level on the truck and the discharge pump. The new process avoids product being left on the trucks and reduces risk with avoidance of lengthy flexible hose handling.

The scope of work included modifications to the discharge pipework, the vent line and the vapour balance line. Civil work included relocating the driver’s shelter, crash barriers and introducing a step-over. Painting and instrumentation work, including numerous hazardous area repairs were also carried out.