Safety by design ® : a new approach to toxicological risk management
In October 2019, in partnership with the laboratory LORIA*, Harmonic Pharma, located in the startup area of Mines Nancy, started the Chemical Range ® program dedicated to toxicological risks. This dual innovation program for civil and military purposes embodies the Safety by design ® approach.
Predict the unpredictable!
Some insects can withstand many upheavals, including chemical attacks… Chemical Range starts from this observation to illustrate with its logo its innovative sector of activity: the prediction of the toxicity of chemical substances.
In this program, launched by Harmonic Pharma in partnership with LORIA and supported by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, the AID (Agence Innovation Défense) and the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) Chemical Range ® makes prevention its main focus. This is the key word in the fight against the toxicity of certain substances such as endocrine disruptors. With more than 15 years of experience, their computer models for predicting toxicity produce explicit and justified data to support the decision-making process of manufacturers, infrastructure managers, local authorities, engineering and design departments, as well as research organizations and laboratories.
Prevention is better than cure…
This is a subject that we discover in the worst-case scenarios and yet: we live in a world where certain substances, such as endocrine disruptors, are legion. These are particularly worrying and it is therefore necessary to raise awareness, train teams, anticipate… They are by essence impalpable and Safety by design ® proposes to identify their dangerousness in order to anticipate a possible danger.
When a constraint becomes an advantage!
Forecasting is sometimes a constraint… Safety by design ® transforms this into an advantage and responds to a problem in order to help manufacturers and major public accounts to enhance their image and help them make the right decisions in relation to the increasing regulatory constraints, particularly at the European level. They could thus position themselves in a more favorable way and show their commitment to the protection of the environment and health of the greatest number of people.
The goal is clear: to propose a new approach that is a great proof of the application of artificial intelligence to the service of “better living”.
About Harmonic Pharma :
The company carries the toxicological risk management approach Safety by design ®. Created in 2009, it is a research partner in Artificial Intelligence with the LORIA and is located at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy within the Artem Campus. This environment facilitates a proximity with techlabs, other start-ups, interactions with students and it has allowed the first hiring of young IT engineers.
*LORIA: Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications, a joint research unit of CNRS, Inria and the University of Lorraine.