Design of Advanced Tools for Smart Process at SEQENS
Facing a highly competitive global market with increasing awareness on environmental issues, chemical production is making its way toward a paradigm shift to more efficient, more environmentally friendly, and more versatile manufacturing processes.
Across many industrial applications, chemical engineers have the opportunities to address today’s most important problems by innovating from the molecular to manufacturing scales. Moreover, a sustainable future will require pursuing new developments and advances in green chemistry and engineering, including ways to address the reduction of raw material usage, waste and increasing recycling.
At its most fundamental level, engineering is about solving problems. The evolving role of chemical engineers is navigating at the intersection between multiple disciplines and data.
In this white paper, we wish to review some of the key advanced tools available to process chemists for addressing the challenges in process intensification. In particular, tools such as Design of Experiments (DoE), kinetic modeling, process analysis technologies (PAT) and flow synthesis chemistry. A case study combining the use of these tools will be presented.