Our Partners
France Chimie

The professional organization of chemistry and its applications are active at European, national and territorial levels. Bringing together all stakeholders, it is the essential promoter of the chemical industry’s sustainable growth but also of the industry in France as a whole. Seqens is a signatory to the International Council of Chemical Association (ICCA).
This worldwide partner offers the support of its international members. It continually strives to improve the protection of health, safety and environmental performance, while communicating with stakeholders about their products and processes.
French Fab

The French Fab is the new family name of French industry. It embodies the thousands of SMEs and ETI territories, sectors, large groups. It is supported by the State, the Regions, professional federations, the Alliance for the Industry of the Future, the SME Movement, Business France and Bpifrance.
The French Factory is the embodiment of the rebuilding of French industry. An innovative, exporting industry that is open to the developments brought about by digital, new technologies and the green economy. Seqens joined the French Fab movement in February 2018.
La French Care

French Care’s mission is to federate healthcare players in all territories. SEQENS, a major player in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, actively supports the launch of this program as a founding member. The missions are multiple and aim at highlighting the formidable ecosystem of the health sector in France and to inspire -collectively- a new dynamic. French care will bring together, concentrate and energize the strengths of this French ecosystem – medical, pharmaceutical, academic, scientific expertise and so much more. Since its creation in 2021, the Seqens group has been the Ambassador for the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region alongside the biomérieux group.
French business climate pledge

The French Académie of sciences

Since its creation in 1666, the Academy of Sciences has been dedicated to the development of science and advises government authorities in this field. Independent and perennial, placed under the protection of the President of the Republic, it is one of the five academies sitting at the Institut de France.
At the beginning of the year 2000, the Academy adopted new statutes allowing it to increase and rejuvenate its membership, in order to respond to the growth of scientific knowledge and the expansion of research fields. Today, with 273 members, 124 foreign associates and 76 correspondents, elected among the most eminent French and foreign scientists, the Academy of Sciences is multidisciplinary and widely open to the international scene. Its members carry out their work within thematic committees of reflection in close interaction with the statutory governing bodies.
The Academy has five fundamental missions: to encourage scientific life, to promote science education, to transmit knowledge, to foster international collaboration and to provide expertise and advice.
SEQENS PRIZE 2017 : Géraldine Masson
In 2017, as part of its partnership with the Academy of Sciences, Seqens awarded Géraldine Masson, the “Seqens” Prize of the Academy of Sciences.”
Director of Research 2ème class at the CNRS, at the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances of Gif-sur-Yvette. Géraldine Masson received the SEQENS Prize for her work on new and efficient methods in the field of catalysis, mainly organic.
SEQENS AWARDS 2018 : Julien Nicolas
Director of research at the CNRS at the Institut Galien Paris-Sud. He received the SEQENS award for his outstanding contributions to the design of new polymers and materials for biomedical applications.
SEQENS AWARD 2019 : Sébastien Lecommandoux
On October 15, 2019, Sébastien Lecommandoux, Director of the LCPO Organic Polymer Chemistry Laboratory and professor at the Bordeaux INP National Graduate School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics, receives the Seqens Award for his research on therapeutic polymers.
SEQENS AWARD 2020 : Ruxandra Gref
Ruxandra Gref, CNRS research director, CNRS silver medal in 2019 was awarded the SEQENS prize of the Academy of Sciences for her work on nanomedicines for the treatment of infections and cancer
SEQENS PRIZE 2021 : Alain Wagner
Alain Wagner, director of research at the CNRS in Strasbourg, receives the prestigious Seqens Prize of the Academy of Sciences for the year 2021.
He is interested in the use of chemical reactions in biological media to develop new strategies for manipulating living systems. His work has led to the development of more effective antibody-drug conjugates, particularly for the treatment of cancers.
SEQENS PRIZE 2022 : Paola Arimondo

Created in 2014 following the visit to Lyon of the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, at the initiative of the Metropolis of Lyon, the City of Lyon, the CCI of Lyon and ADERLY, the New Sino French Institute project is multifaceted. It is at the same time a place on the history of the essential relations between Lyon and China and a place to promote contemporary and future relations between our two territories. Seqens is proud to be one of its founders since its creation, alongside major groups such as Biomérieux, Bank of China, Seb, Sanofi, GL EVENTS, Huttopia…
The main mission of the New Sino French Institute is to promote economic, academic, cultural and tourist links between France and China. It is now identified as one of the major French actors in this field.


Founded in 2004, EFCG is the forum & the voice of the European fine chemicals manufacturers.
EFCG is a non-profit international sector group within Cefic, the Brussels-based European Chemical Industry Council which represents 29,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe, directly providing 1.2 million jobs and accounting for 17% of world chemical production.