People and Communities
Our People
Our people are the Group’s primary assets. They enable SEQENS to be a major player in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
SEQENS’ objective is to offer them a safe working environment and to encourage their development at work. Our human resources approach is based on the following guidelines, which apply from the moment of recruitment and throughout the career of each employee within the company
- Guaranteeing hygiene, health, safety and well-being at work
- Ensure good working conditions to improve employee engagement
- Promoting our ability to attract and support talent
- Promote diversity in the workplace and equal treatment of women and men
- Develop the professional skills of employees
Health and Safety
At SEQENS, there is no priority higher than people’s safety. We consider this to be one of the foundations of the sustainable development of our activities.
We are therefore committed to making the health and safety of our employees and partners one of our top priorities. This commitment is clearly defined in the Group’s EHS policy, which is further developed in a Group Safety Charter.
- Prevent serious injuries and deaths through the implementation of the Vital Safety Rules program
- Continuously improve the management of maintenance work and outside contractors by implementing robust safety practices (site preparation, access to confined spaces, provision of facilities, consignment/unconsignment, work with hot spots, etc.)
- Respect the safety instructions in the conduct of operations
- Controlling the exposure of people to hazardous chemicals (hazardous chemical agents, CMR, active pharmaceutical products)
- 0 serious or fatal accidents per year
- Achieve a category 1 occupational injury frequency rate of less than or equal to 2 by 2026.

- Many sites have improved pedestrian/engine segregation to avoid the risk of collision.
- The Aramon site has continued to upgrade its gantry crane at the road tanker unloading station to secure access to tanker domes and prevent the risk of falling. The site has also improved safety at the hydrogenation workshop’s reactor loading station by installing a pneumatic powder loader (PTS) with a double valve, enabling powders to be loaded in an inert environment.
- The Limay site has installed anchoring points on the two-cone dryers to prevent the risk of falling.
- The Couterne site has redeveloped its intervention room, with the installation of a space for 10 ready-to-wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) (time-saving intervention and ergonomic improvement). SCBAs are cylinders used by firefighters and emergency crews in irrespirable atmospheres.
- The Roussillon site (Novacyl company) has changed its soda pump technology and modified its circuits to prevent leaks and the risk of chemical burns.
- The Bourgoin and Neot Hovav sites have upgraded their fire protection networks.
- The Pont-de-Claix site has carried out a relabeling campaign on its product lines to avoid transfer errors.
- The Turku site has equipped itself with an isolator for loading highly toxic products, and has also secured the means of access at height in its stockyard. The site has also launched a training program designed to reinforce its safety culture.
Quality of Life at Work
SEQENS is convinced that the success of the company and the realization of its ambition are based on the know-how of its employees, who come from different backgrounds. The Group must therefore offer working conditions that enable it to attract and retain committed and qualified employees, in a talent market that is both tense and highly competitive.
The quality of life at work is an issue of development of the attractiveness of the company, improvement of the commitment, motivation and loyalty of employees, as well as the prevention of psychosocial risks and the reduction of absenteeism.
For SEQENS, quality of life at work means improving the working environment and conditions, promoting social dialogue and strengthening the corporate culture.
Numerous actions are carried out within the Group to improve the quality of life at work. In 2017, to take this further, SEQENS launched its first “Great Place To Work” (GPTW) survey. The Great Place To Work institute has developed a specific methodology to assess the quality of life at work and capture “a snapshot of the employee experience” within volunteer companies. It is the Trust Index©, an anonymous questionnaire addressed to employees, comprising 70 questions divided into 5 key themes on which the company can act in order to improve the employee experience and thus contribute to the overall performance of the organization: credibility, respect, pride, camaraderie and fairness.
SEQENS renews this Trust Index© survey, administered by Great Place To Work, every three years. The last survey was conducted in 2021 and will be repeated in February 2025.

*Trust index: average of the scores of all the questions
** GPTW score is the overall perception: “Taking all elements into account, I would say this is a great place to work.”
The Group in France has signed a Quality of Life at Work (QWL) agreement. This contains several commitments in terms of QWL:
- A budget dedicated to quality of life at work will help improve working conditions.
- Each site is committed to carrying out one QWL action per year.
- The right to disconnect is clearly written into employee rights.
- The Limay site celebrated “Quality of Life at Work” week in June and July 2023 by providing an app offering challenges on well-being and sport.
- The Aramon and Limay sites have worked on employee nutrition. At the Aramon site, for example, a working group has been set up and has worked with the company restaurant to introduce vegetarian dishes and salads, and has done away with the sale of individual plastic bottles and single doses of salt and pepper.
- The Porcheville site has introduced the distribution of organic vegetable baskets in the workplace.
Employee development is a strategic lever for the performance and transformation of companies. SEQENS ensures that each employee has the means to carry out his or her missions effectively, develops the potential and employability of each employee and prepares future leaders.

- The Couterne site has set up a training program to develop the safety leadership of site management and safety supervisors. Managers need to instill in their teams a spirit of prudence and performance, which is a prerequisite for the success of establishing a lasting safety culture within the organization.
- The Operational Excellence department at the Villeneuve-la-Garenne site has organized in-house “Yellow Belt” training courses on first-level problem resolution in the field. The aim of this training is to give greater autonomy and meaning to daily actions, while ensuring that problems are resolved as close as possible to where they occurred.
- Several sites have developed their employees’ skills to enable them to design and run in-house training courses. At the Aramon, Villeneuve-la-Garenne and Ecully sites, for example, in-house trainer training courses have been organized.
- At the end of 2023, sales and marketing departments were trained in CSR in order to better promote the Group’s CSR performance to customers.
Diversity & Inclusion
The diversity of profiles, including people of all ages, genders, origins, family situations, sexual preferences, opinions and skills within its workforce is an essential asset for the performance and sustainable growth of SEQENS, in terms of creativity and knowledge.
SEQENS’ approach to diversity, equity and inclusion is built around four priority pillars:
- Gender: achieve gender equity at all levels and functions of the company; commit against all types of harassment and violence, including sexism and sexual harassment, as well as gender-based violence
- Age and generations: supporting young people in their career paths, encouraging exchange and cooperation between employees across generations.
- Socio-economic and multicultural backgrounds: promoting and increasing the diversity of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds in the Group’s teams.
- Disability: accelerate the inclusion of people with disabilities through targeted actions.
- Cultural diversity: fostering a variety of profiles to create an inclusive, enriching and innovative environment. Culture encompasses a variety of criteria, including but not limited to geographical origin, social background, religion, education, age, ability, language, etc.

- The Bourgoin site used a simulation-based recruitment method (MRS – recruitment based on skills rather than qualifications) to initially recruit and integrate 7 people into its production workshops on fixed-term contracts. This recruitment system promotes diversity and inclusion and avoids all forms of discrimination.
- The Limay site, together with the Mission Locale du Mantois (an association which supports young people aged 16 to 25 no longer covered by the French national education system), Pôle Emploi (a public administrative body responsible for employment in France) and Interfora (an apprentice training center), has set up a group of chemical operators on fixed-term contracts for 1st time. The aim of the scheme is to alleviate the recruitment difficulties faced by chemical companies, while at the same time providing young people with career opportunities. The Mission locale du Mantois will identify candidates, Pôle Emploi will test them and Interfora will be responsible for training those selected. The aim is to create a class of 7 people.
- The Billingham and Middlesbrough sites sent out a “Diversity and Inclusion” survey to assess the level of employees’ awareness of this subject and to collect ideas for implementation. In addition, all line managers have been trained on the subject.
SEQENS is not an isolated entity. It is present in different territories, ecosystems where economic actors are linked by complementary, cooperative or competitive relationships.
In line with SEQENS value of Unity, the Group is committed to being an active player in these ecosystems by supporting and accompanying local initiatives and civil society on a long-term basis.
Support for the local ecosystem can take different forms at SEQENS as donations, partnerships with associations, highlighting the missions of associations on the sites, and promoting the personal commitment of employees.
- Help for the underprivileged, sick and disabled.
- Training, education and professional integration of young people.
- Support for local public health initiatives.
- Contributing to actions in favour of the climate and biodiversity.
More than 20 organisations are supported or helped either by SEQENS or by one or more of its employees.
- €81 485 in donations in 2023
- 39 local initiatives supported in 2023
- During “P’tit dej News” events at the Ecully site, the various associations with which the site maintains relations are invited to present their missions to all employees. In 2023, four associations visited the site.
- The Roussillon site (Novapex company) has been supporting the L’Arche de La Vallée association for 6 years, which provides homes for mentally handicapped adults. In 2023, SEQENS financed the provision of electric bicycles.
- The Couterne and Porcheville sites contributed to the funding of the “Octobre Rose” event, an annual national communications campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer screening and raise funds for research.
- The Limay site has made a donation for the “Premiers de Cordée” association, which introduces sporting activities to those who are furthest away from them (hospital patients, disabled people, etc.).
- The Hyderabad site has made a donation for the construction of a school building and the promotion of education for the “Sri Saraswati Vidya Peetham” educational institution, the “Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School” and the “High School, Mankhal”.
- As part of a partnership with “L’Entreprise des Possibles”, employees in the Lyon region donated days off to support local associations. In 2023, Seqens donated €32,506.73, i.e. a total of 27 days donated by 22 employees. L’Entreprise des Possibles is a group of companies and their employees committed to working alongside public bodies and associations to help the homeless and the most vulnerable. Their aim is to mobilize human, financial and real-estate resources to amplify the action of associations in the field.