Seqens becomes a partner of the RoLA-FLEX project

RoLA-FLEX is an industry-focused project that provides innovative solutions to the challenge associated with th performance and lifetime of Organic and Large Area Electronics (OLAE) . This research project is funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 program. This program started 18 months ago and will end in 24 months.
The overall objective of the project is therefore to develop:
- Materials: Solution processed organic and inorganic electronic materials, designed according to end-user requirements
- Processes: Develop innovative manufacturing processes for organic and large area electronics and flexible components
- Devices: Develop advanced flexible integration schemes demonstrated by two large area organic electronics prototypes: a smart energy platform for devices, and flexible wearable displays
The project brings together various key European players, each with multidisciplinary and complementary expertise. RoLA-FLEX project will have an impact on technological readiness of Organic and Large Area Electronics (OLAE). The advancement of the OLAE offers the possibility of creating new and more sustainable production sites with a significant decrease in the amount of waste produced during this process.
Keys numbers for Rola-flex project
- A 3 years project
- 5,8 M€ budget project
- 4,7 M€ requested EU contribution
- 10 participating countries
- 12 project partners
The Involvement of seqens
Within RoLA-FLEX project, Seqens is leading a work package dedicated to the design, synthesis and upscaling of organic materials. Seqens role consists mainly in scaling-up two organic polymers that have been selected by the partners of the consortium for photovoltaic and phototransistor applications with a particular focus on the use of non-toxic and non-chlorinated solvents and the development of processes that comply with the hygiene and safety rules.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°862474, project RoLA-FLEX.