
“Caring in COVID-19 times” project awarded (1/2)


For the very special 2020 edition of European Responsible Care Award, CEFIC rewarded Seqens mobilization during the covid-19 crisis and in particular the ability of our group, leader in pharmaceutical synthesis and specialty ingredients, to provide large volumes of hydro-alcoholic solutions despite the exceptional context.

Seqens winner of the 2020 European Responsible Care Awards

Seqens mobilization during the sanitary crisis has earned the judges praise including the rapid engagement of our teams and workshops to propose and implement solutions to accelerate the fight against the COVID 19 while adapting the production lines to the market needs and providing support to local communities, populations at risk and those in needs in donating hydro-alcoholic solution.

Our sector was pushing its capacity limits to meet the exponential rise in demand for disinfectants, diagnostic tests, ventilators, protective masks and protective clothing. It is good to see that this trend continues with production lines converted permanently to produce the materials needed to keep people safe now and in the future.

Daniele Ferrari

CeFIC president

Together we stand strong

Seqens is proud of its collaborators’ mobilization during this global health crisis and wants to thank all people who took part in this journey.

I want to thank all the employees who have been mobilized since the March 18th. In such an uncertain context, in the coming key periods and the gradual recovery of business activity, we believe it is essential to remain mobilized to serve our clients and thus help fight against a resurgence of the pandemic. Our NAAHA™ range offers the expertise, traceability and security of supply of a world leader in pharmaceutical synthesis such as Seqens.



3 categories dedicated to COVID-19

This year, the Responsible Care® Awards recognize initiatives from companies and associations across three categories dedicated to COVID-19.

Upholding and Reshaping Production Lines

This category may include initiatives such as maintaining the production throughout the crisis, ramping up production or switching production lines to respond to the increased demand of critical products, etc.

Protection of Workplace and People

This category may include initiatives such as supplying essential materials to ensuring safety and health of frontline people through personal protective equipment, good hygiene, sanitation and cleaning products but also applying special measures to prevent the spread of infection at sites or offices, etc.

Community Support

This category may include initiatives, such as protecting the public health and the environment, donations, strengthening the coordination of the value chain for crucial products, etc.