The customer relationship at the heart of SEQENS’ digitization strategy
A year ago, Seqens launched its new global CRM, OneCRM. Opting for a single CRM solution, shared by all the entities of the group, Seqens wants to strengthen the collaboration between its teams with the objective of improving the customer experience.
To meet this challenge, Seqens chose Salesforce software, the world leader in CRM software. For the design of the solution, the company was assisted by the integrator Viséo, an international company with expertise in the digitalization of companies.
Today, thanks to OneCRM, Seqens’ sales teams benefit from a powerful and easy-to-use sales support tool, giving them real-time access to customer information and performance indicators essential for decision-making.
Today, thanks to OneCRM, Seqens’ sales teams benefit from a powerful and easy-to-use sales support tool, giving them real-time access to customer information and performance indicators essential for decision-making.

Commercial Excellence Director
A 360° vision
Thus OneCRM offers Seqens a 360° vision of each of its customers on all the markets in which the company operates, facilitating decision making and supporting the commercial ambitions of the group.