
Update situation on second wave of coronavirus (2019-nCoV)


Dear Valued Customer,

In response to the rapidly developing second wave of Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are strengthening measures to limit the spread of the virus and protect populations.

We would like to inform you that we have implemented all necessary preventive and contingency measures in this challenging period, taking into account our successful experience during wave one.

First and foremost, we have reinforced all relevant preventive and cautionary measures, in accordance with the latest health authorities’ recommendations, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and sub-contractors.

In this difficult context, all our employees are fully committed to ensure the continuity of our operations:

  • Our sites are strictly following our Business Continuity Plans to mitigate all potential consequences of the spread of the epidemic at our 24 manufacturing facilities and 3 R&D centers in Europe, in the US and in Asia;
  • Our Purchasing department is actively working to reduce any potential impact on our supply chain, and we rely on Seqens’ unique positioning on intermediates including upstream-integration capabilities.

Thus, as of the date of this statement, there are only very few delays identified across all our activities.

If any of these may potentially affect your company, your Seqens Account Manager will inform you.

The crisis unit at Seqens Group level closely monitors the evolution of the coronavirus situation and be reassured that as during the first wave, all our employees are working hard to prevent and mitigate any supply disruptions.


Pierre LUZEAU,